Hey ihr Lieben, auf unserer EDM Stage ist es soeben zu einem Ausfall gekommen: Plastik Funk wird leider nicht nach Beverungen kommen. Agentur und DJ haben sich vor einiger Zeit getrennt, wobei es offensichtlich Probleme in der Übermittlung langfristiger Bookings kam. So ist der Künstler an diesem Tag bei 3 Veranstaltungen gleichzeitig gemeldet, eine davon in Belgien. Wir haben Verständnis, dass ein Festival auf ihn verzichten muss, sind aber tief enttäuscht, dass es das Heaven can wait! Festival ist.
Aber es gibt einen erstklassigen Ersatz, auf den wir uns sehr freuen: INPETTO ab 20 Uhr auf der EDM-Stage 💪
One of the Dance scenes’ most invigorating duo’s that managed to test the sands of time? We are
of course talking about Inpetto. The brothers, hailing from Germany, built a legacy that reaches
far beyond the average music career. Starting out as part of the leading trance act Fragma and
evolving into the well established brand they have become today, they relentlessly keep pushing
their ambitions and musical aspirations beyond any boundaries. Combine a solid signature sound
with two free flowing creative minds, Inpetto dedicate themselves to bringing their fans the most
cutting edge music and performances.
2016 was a year with many highlights for Inpetto. Working relentlessly in their brand new studio
resulted in the release of bangers like ‘Million Miles’, ‘Need More’ (feat Lauren Mason) and a massive
collab with Hits O Good, ‘Nowhere To Be Found’ (feat Neta Hait). Their success of 2016 was the
highly anticipated follow-up on an equally exciting 2015 that contained bangers like ‘Needin You
So’ (which has over 3.4M plays on Spotify), and ‘Learn To Fly’ together with David Spekter. Huge
successes that gained them critical acclaim from the likes of no other than David Guetta, Axwell
and Laidback Luke.
But, their talent not only flourishes in the studio; these guys are superb performers. Last year
alone they have been rocking the Super You&Me stage at Tomorrowland (Brazil & Belgium) and
the hottest festival in Europe, Parookaville, also got the royal Inpetto treatment. Already spinning
internationally for years has earned the brothers spots on the biggest stages and clubs. When it
comes down to a smooth criminal like performance, mixing their sets effortlessly or releasing epic
tune after another, the brothers have been on top of their game ever since they first set foot in the